Essay on importance of games and sports

essay on importance of games and sports

Essay on importance of games and sports 

INTRODUCTION –  Games and sports play an important role in our life. They make us not only physically but also mentally fit. Development of the body is as important that of the mind. Games and sports help in the development of body and mind of the student. It is said that ‘Health is wealth’ and games are good means to get proper health. They keep us active and make us smart.

TYPES  OF  GAMES – There are two types of games.

essay on importance of games and sports

  • Indoor Games
  • Outdoor Games

INDOOR  GAMES – Indoor games are the games which are played inside the hall like Chess, Ludo, Table Tenis, Carrom etc.

OUTDOOR  GAMES – Outdoor games are the games which are played in open ground like Cricket, Hockey , Football etc.

Leadership  Quality – Games and sports help a lot in developing the leadership quality. When we play any game with rules and regulation and manage other players it increases the leadership quality in us. If you are the captain of any team you get all the facts of leadership.

CAREER – There is a great career in this field. If you want to pursue physical education . you can do B.P.ed and M.P.ed you can become a coach, trainer and others by getting physical education. It you are good in any particular game then you can become national player.

DISCIPLINE – Games and sports develop a sense of discipline. Each game has certain rules and regulation and players have to follow all those rules. If any player breaks the rule he will be out of the gate. A disciplined team wins the game.  The players follow the rules and decision of the umpire. This teaches them the importance of rules in life. Therefore we can say games and sports teach us discipline.

UNITY – Games and sports develop the spirit of unity. Players in the ground have not partiality. They do not ask caste or religion. They play united and win the game. This quality makes them good citizen. If there is unity in society, we should have better cooperation.

CONCLUSION – Games and sports are therefore very important. A student learns many things form sports like discipline, unity, leadership etc. a student  who takes parts in games and sports gets over all development. We should play at least one game daily and convey others to do so. We should also encourage the society members to focus on games.

I hope you like this essay on importance of games and sports

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